Case study: Foliar fungi experiment

Exploring the effect of bias in Leopold and Busby (2020)

bias sensitivity

Illustration of a spurious differential abundance result due to bias

bias sensitivity
differential abundance

Create illustration of a spurious differential abundance using the Leopold and Busby (2020) dataset.

Perform Leopold and Busby (2020) priority-effects analysis with and without bias correction

differential abundance
bias sensitivity

Perform Leopold and Busby (2020) regression analysis with and without bias correction

differential abundance
bias sensitivity

We perform the regression analysis of Leopold and Busby (2020) with and without bias correction, finding that there is negligible impact of bias correction on the results.

Analysis of Leopold and Busby (2020) for manuscript case study

differential abundance

This document performs analysis of the data from @leopold2020host to support the fungal case study in the manuscript.

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Case study: Foliar fungi experiment