Bias estimation and calibration |
Estimate bias from control measurements |
Calibrate a relative-abundance matrix by a bias vector |
Taxon co-occurrence network |
Compositional-data computations |
Compositionally perturb a relative-abundance matrix |
Pairwise ratios of vector elements and matrix rows or columns |
Compute taxon ratios from a tidy data frame |
Compute the center (compositional mean) of a set of compositions |
Generate bootstrap replicates of the sample center |
Geometrically center the elements of x |
Close the elements of x to proportions |
Compute the centered log-ratio transform of x |
Logit (log-odds) of the probability vector x |
Odds of the probability vector x |
Aitchison norm of x |
Distance or dissimilarity between relative abundance vectors x and y |
Geometric (multiplicative) version of the function f |
Geometric absolute value of x |
Geometric mean of x |
Geometric range of x |
Geometric standard deviation of x |
Data-frame manipulation and coercion |
Coerce a (wide) data frame to a matrix |
Create a matrix from columns of a tidy data frame |
Mutate within groups |